Thursday, May 14, 2015

Why I Love Dessert

Hey everyone!  Thanks for taking a few minutes to read my blog.  I have been dreaming about creating this blog for a while now but it wasn’t until a couple of recent encouraging opportunities that I was able to get the ball rolling on this baby!  :)  
I am a dessert lover by nature.  I have always enjoyed sweets and sharing them with others.  When I was a kid I baked cakes and cookies for fun.  If anyone ever offered me a sweet treat I wouldn’t turn it down…until about five years ago.  It was then that my passion for dessert consumption took a big turn.  Due to some significant health issues I had to change my diet.  It was then that my passion for baking went into a season of deep pruning and growth.  It spent six months working to learn about the importance of food ingredients and how they effect the way I was feeling from the inside out.  To start my journey I had to eliminate a significant amount of ingredients out of my diet.  The purpose of this was two fold; 1. to allow my gut to heal 2. to determine what my body processed well and what it didn’t.  During this season of intense “food education” I kept thinking one thing, “As long as I know I can have something for dessert I will be okay!”  
During my intense six months of work I was given several awesome recipes to get my started and it was from those recipes a new desire was born — a desire to find recipes for delicious desserts that I can enjoy on a regular basis that follow the guidelines of my ingredient restrictions.  This desire seemed achievable at first and I did okay for a while but then another change occurred.
The trouble with a lot of the delicious dessert recipes that have “clean” ingredients is that they can cost you your right arm and then some!  For several reasons, mainly because I was the only one in my house consuming these tasty treats, I had to make some significant cut backs.  While these limitations were nothing compared to my initial dietary restrictions it was still tough to do.  Still, from this second season of change, education and growth I learned about many delicious recipes that I could make on a regular basis.  I didn’t repeat them weekly, because I LOVE VARIETY, but I did put them into a category that I go back to often.  
So why write about all this?  I mean, who cares what dessert recipes I like?  Well, I hope you do :)  I want to share what my experiences have been when it comes to baking — the good recipes I found that are cost effective and time-saving to make as well as the not-so-good ones that I think you would appreciate knowing about.  Maybe you will try them anyway and experience a success that you would like to share?!  Most of all, I want to create a community.  There is so much being said in the media about eating “clean”, how bad sugar is for you, GMOs, ect.  I don’t have all the answers but I am happy to share what I have learned along my now FIVE year journey.  I hope you will join me and share your thoughts too!  

Oooey gooey granola bars

Hey guys - I am so excited to share my first post with you about a great dessert/snack I tried for my family this week!  It started with a generous gift of some gluten-free steel cut oats from a family member.  

I enthusiastically searched Pintrest for ideas.  I began to get discouraged when I only saw recipes for oatmeal.  TRUTH - I am not an oatmeal fan.  It is one of those foods that I wish I liked more but I just can’t get into it for some reason.  All hope seemed lost as I scrolled down my screen until I came upon this delicious treat.  The official name of these delicious beauties is “Extra Chewy Steel Cut Oat Bars” (original enough for you?) ;)  Besides my excitement to know I could use these oats for something other than oatmeal, I was so glad to find this recipe to use for my kids.  I noticed that they had been consuming some store bought granola bars a little too much lately and I was happy to know I could give them something that was a little healthier for them.  
The process - As the recipe suggested, I used my blender to grind the oats up a bit before I put everything else together.  I am SO GLAD I did too!  TRUTH - I have not used steel cut oats for ANYTHING before; probably because I never planned to make homemade oatmeal and I had no idea what their texture would be like.  I have to say, I can see why the steel would be necessary to cut these oats!  After the grinding was done, which only took about 30 seconds, everything else came together rather quickly and easily; which I was glad for because I had spend more time in the kitchen than I had planned for already and all I wanted to do was go sit on my couch and enjoy some Netflix.  :P
The recipe - I liked it.  I will defiantly use it again but I don’t know if I will do it as soon as next week.  TRUTH - I LOVE variety and really enjoying having different foods each week.  Still, I would highly recommend that you give it a try, especially if you are looking for a healthy anytime of day snack or dessert for yourself or the kiddos.  
UPDATE --- it has been two weeks since I made these bars and I am wishing I had some right now!  I should have doubled the recipe and frozen some.  Note for next time :)